Welcome to Ga Mountains Guide!

GaMountainsGuide.com was created to showcase the quality and variety of things to do in North Georgia’s blue ridge mountains. From great local restaurants, world-renowned hiking (the trailhead of the 3,000-mile Appalachian Trail), to just plain silly (driving a tank at Tank Town USA), there are hundreds of options to entertain you, your friends, and your family.

The peak season is the Fall when the leaves change colors and create a spectacular natural display. However, anytime is a great time of year to visit the Blue Ridge Mountains, which were recently named one of The 50 Most Beautiful Places in the World by US News.


About the Editor

Alyce at Wolf Mountain Vineyards Tasting Room in Dahlonega GA

Alyce at Wolf Mountain Vineyards Tasting Room in Dahlonega GA

Hello, my name is Alyce and I LOVE the Blue Ridge Mountains!!

Originally from West Virginia, I’ve been drawn to the Blue Ridge Mountain views of the Appalachians my entire life. When I moved to Atlanta, Georgia, I soon realized how close my city was to the beautiful Georgia mountains. I started exploring by taking quick road trips on the weekends. These trips always felt too short, and eventually, the day trips turned into weekend-long stays in rental cabins. When those weekend cabin trips also felt too short, I finally started looking for my own place to call home.

In 2011, I was able to purchase the land for my dream cabin! Since then, I’ve found even more great places and unique ways to have fun! The GaMountainsGuide.com is my way to share and show the world the best of these mountains.


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Affiliates – The work required to maintain GaMountainsGuide.com is supported with affiliate links that may earn a commission for clicks away from this site that result in a purchase. Although commissions may be earned on some of the links on this site, the goal is to publish a top-notch list of the best attractions, without bias towards affiliates.


Guarantees – Information on this site is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of publishing. GaMountainsGuide.com does not take nor fulfill reservations or orders and does not make any guarantees regarding businesses featured on the site (including but not limited to pricing and offer availability). Please check with each individual business for details regarding their customer satisfaction policies.


Your feedback is always welcome on any pricing changes, product updates, website errors, etc. – the website will be updated upon confirmation of the feedback.


Thank you so much for visiting GaMountainsGuide.com! Enjoy the journey!