Free Admission to a Smithsonian Museum on Museum Day

16 Responses

  1. Lionel says:

    Thank you for taking the time to write this blog. The Funk Heritage Center is the one I think I’ll go to since I’d like to learn more about Southeastern Indian history and see the 15-minute film, artifacts, and Rogers Contemporary Native American Art Gallery. Days and hours of visits are also convenient for me, and the fee is reasonable.
    Great article.

  2. Al says:

    Superb site. Well done and easy to navigate.

    I am a nature and art lover persons. I like visiting places as mentioned in your site and especially FREE.

    I wish could avail your free pass offer but unfortunately I am from the other side of your place and its 100% not possible for me to avail it.

    Very detailed presentations and schedule clearly indicated.



    • Alyce says:

      Hi Al, Thanks for sharing. I’m not sure where you are located, but if you are in the USA, this offer can be redeemed in over 100 locations across the country. This time you don’t have to be local to get in on the great offer for free museum admission! 

  3. Andrew says:

    Thanks for sharing this information about Museum Day! I had no idea that it was a day and that there are free admissions at museums across the country. It is great to spread this information so that people that normally don’t think to go visit a museum will take this opportunity to do it for free and then keep going back in the future! I will have to check where the closet museum to me that will be having a promotion is. Thanks again!

  4. Missy C says:

    So I honestly had no idea that Museum Day even existed! I clicked on the Find a Museum link and found out four museums near me participate, and a couple of them look really interesting. Now I just need to convince my husband to go with me… I mean it’s on a weekend and it’s free, so hopefully he’ll want to join me 🙂

  5. Daniella says:

    Hi there,

    Wow, I love museums. I often go with my kids. And my kids bring their friends too. So we always end up being a large group of people visiting the museum. Thank you for this free tickets museum. This time I’ll go with my husband:)

    I am going to register right now. I see there are other tickets available on the list. I’ll check these too.

    Thank you for again!

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Daniella, I think that you can only sign up to get free admission to one museum for this day, but it’s still a great opportunity!

  6. Linda says:

    There are no Museums where I’m located; thankfully, I have bumped into this just in time. My family and I have been wanting to take a short trip and would love to  take this opportunity; get out of our comfort state zone. hehe. I can now see how much we will learn and how much fun we will have!  🙂 Gracias!

  7. C says:

    Wow thank you that is cool that you can go to the museum in Georgia for free. Maybe I would go to the folk Pottery Museum. It would be a good time to plan my trip to Georgia because I may as well go while there is free admission into the museum. That makes it even more of a bonus.
    Also I have some friends in Georgia and I will let them know about this. Thanks for the heads up. I probably wouldn’t Have heard about it otherwise.

    • Alyce says:

      You’re most welcome for the information. Feel free to share to a larger audience, because as this website / post features places in the Georgia mountains, the free museum day promotion is for museums all over the USA! Enjoy!!

  8. Sondra says:

    Thank you for sharing the information about the free admission to a Smithsonian museum. You have shared the information early enough that we actually have time to save the date. My children are in Georgia, so I will share this post with them.

    I am in Colorado, so I’m sure I’ll be able to take advantage of it here also.

    p.s. nice website.

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