Sport Shooting in North Georgia

6 Responses

  1. Brooke says:

    hey there!

    Very cool! I have avoided getting myself comfortable with guns, simply out of lack of knowledge and a small amount of fear. A lot of my family hunts and I am ashamed to say its taken me this long to find interest in the sport all together. I find hunting to be a bit more than I can handle at this moment, however, some of the ranges you’ve provided on your website make it look extremely fun! I don’t live in Georgia, however, I am sure there are some ranges out here that I can practice at! You’re obviously a gun enthusiast? What got you into this and so passionate about it?

    I look forward to hearing more from you!


    • Alyce says:

      Hi Brooke, I’m just sharing information about the sport as it’s something available for residents and visitors to North Georgia. It is certainly not for everyone, but for those who wish to check it out, it’s helpful to go to places where experts can teach proper handling.

  2. Sunny says:

    What I know for sure is that I am going to skip this part. But I understand that the Georgia mountains offer a huge range for those liking to go hunting. I am more like letting other beings be happy too 🙂 Anyways, it’s good to know what is offered, and your guide has been incredible for our trip planning. I know for sure that some guys from my party will use the sport shooting in North Georgia opportunity as well. 

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Sunny, this is definitely not a sport that is for everyone, but the good news is that there are plenty of other options in the area to choose from. 

      For those who do like sport shooting, it’s helpful to know what types of services are available in the area. 

  3. Geoff says:

    Thanks for bringing us this good selection of shooting ranges in North Georgia.

    There is a good variety big locations, each bringing different options.

    I have never shot a gun, but would love to have a go.

    Do any of these ranges hire guns, or do you have to already own one?

    Which one would you recommend for a novice?

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Geoff, You do not need to have your own gun to try skeet shooting in North Georgia. I recommend that a newbie first try a place where they can get a lesson so that they understand how to follow important safety protocols.

      Fortunately, you can find both your shotgun rentals and shooting lessons available at these locations: Beretta Shooting Grounds, Etowah Valley Sporting Clays, Garland Mountain Sporting Clays, and Noontootla Creek Farms.


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