Engelheim Vineyards

2 Responses

  1. Groomy Dude says:

    Hello Alyce, 

    Engelheim looks to be a very cozy place. I would very much like to visit sometime after reading your review. Love the cottage look up on the hill. It appears they have some affordable selections.

    I also like the fact they offer different levels of orders. I really like that they set up delayed shipping when you are there. it has been my experience when we are out traveling and visit a winery, we always end up toting back so many bottles to take home. This would cut down on having to do that. 

    Great review!



    • Alyce says:

      Hi Chad, We have really enjoyed our visits to Engelheim Vineyards and find it a great way to spend a weekend afternoon with wonderful wines and live music. It’s definitely nice to have a shipping option available as wine can be a heavy thing to carry home!

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