Vineyard Restaurants in the North Georgia Mountains

40 Responses

  1. Toplink says:

    Wow! I am so impressed with the scenery and the number of special restaurants there are in North Georgia. Many people dream of taking a trip to Italy to view impressive vineyards and to taste great wine and to have fabulous dining experiences. It appears that they should be planning a trip to North Georgia as a special accessible place in North America, The panoramic view is utterly appealing and I am excited about taking a holiday there as the scenery is so spectacular and the restaurants so appealing and attractive, Thank you for the abundance of material that you have supplied about this special place.

    • Alyce says:

      Hello Toplink! North Georgia’s wine country is beautiful, and it’s nice to spend time at the vineyards enjoying a meal along with the lovely wines. Bon appetit!

  2. Johnny says:

    These are incredible places to visit. I will definitely add Georgia Mountains to my list of places that I need to visit.
    The pictures are really beautiful! My wife and I love going out to dinner and enjoying nice landscapes, and going to one of these restaurants would give us the best of both worlds.
    Thank you so much for sharing this, I will be visiting them soon 🙂

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Johhny, These vineyard restaurants are great for inspired meals with great local wines and the locations can’t be beaten! Enjoy!!

  3. Andy says:

    Hi and thanks for sharing this excellent resource. Many years ago on one of my first trips to the US I was with a group of colleagues on a trip to California. The organizers arranged an evening meal at a vineyard in the Napa Valley. It was a fabulous experience and a real eye-opener for me. For anyone who is on the fence about trying this sort of dining experience, I can only say, go for it. Your article is a real inspiration to plan a wine tasting tour of the region. Best regards, Andy.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Andy, Thanks so much for sharing! Dining at a scenic mountain vineyard restaurant is definitely a great way to enjoy a meal!

  4. Kwidzin says:

    I could definitely imagine myself getting lost in the Georgia mountains drinking hunners of wine. I’m currently on the other side of the pond in Scotland, so it’s a little bit too far for me at the present moment in time. But keeping this list handy for when i am able to visit. really looks like a lot of fun.

    • Alyce says:

      There are some great vineyard restaurants in North Georgia so I’m glad they are on your list of things to visit! Cheers!

  5. Mohamed says:

    Your website looks great and is also very informative. There are a lot of touristic places around the world. Your website suggests good places to visit in North Georgia where you can see the mountains too like these scenic vineyard restaurants. It is good for people to take a vacation once in a while and a meal at a vineyard restaurant is a great way to treat yourself well.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Mohamed, I have had some fantastic meals at the North Georgia vineyard restaurants. Sunday Brunch at Wolf Mountain Vineyards is one of my all-time favorites!

  6. Jessi says:

    These all look like beautiful places to visit. Your article makes me want to plan an anniversary trip. I love the scenery in these pictures, and a night of wine and dining sounds so romantic. Is there a restaurant in particular that you would recommend for a couple of romantics traveling to the area?

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Jessi, For stunning daytime views, the dining room at Wolf Mountain is most impressive. For a romantic dinner date, the experience at Montaluce should be perfect for a couple of romantics. 

  7. kkole13 says:

    Thanks for a very informative and helpful blog. I have not yet been to North Georgia but I have started thinking about planning the trip. I will definitely do it when it is a little better time to travel. You have described the restaurants in great detail and the pictures are beautiful. I do not know how I will decide which one to visit.

    • Alyce says:

      Hello and thanks for sharing! Hopefully, the worldwide travel restrictions will be easing soon and allow for easier travel. Until then, it’s certainly fun to plan for future excursions!

  8. LineCowley says:

    Having a meal in the lovely setting of a wine farm, is something that I experienced in South Africa a few times. So it is great to know that it is also available in the Georgia Mountains. Awesome to know that wine pairing is also available, as it can greatly enhance your experience of the food. Can one do wine tasting before the meal and then choose a wine to enjoy with your meal?

    • Alyce says:

      Hello, what a wonderful idea to have a wine tasting before your meal! This would be possible at some of the restaurants, depending on whether the tasting room is open before the restaurant. If you can’t do a full tasting before your meal, you may be able to get a flight or a sample at your table to help you make your wine selections.

      Bon appétit!

  9. Ann says:

    I have a Pinterest account and I couldn’t go by without pinning several of these. The scenary is wonderful. Thank you very much for these tips. When it comes to visit one of these vineyard restaurants, we should be prepared. I am currently spending some time in the North Georgia mountains and locals have been talking about these vineyards.

  10. Maureen says:

    Vacations are really great when you have the right places to actually spend the vacation at. North Georgia Mountains seems to be a great place to check out for while trying to get a place for vacation. It is said to have great restaurants . And of course, just like most restaurants, they do not allow outside food into the restaurant but they allow for a group picnic which I believe the time and space used at the restaurant would be paid for.

  11. Kelvin says:

    Wow… Once again, I get to know more beautiful place in the Georgia Mountains. This is really great and inviting. The Georgia Mountains seems to be so rich with beautiful places to visit. These Vineyard Restaurants in the North Georgia Mountains look so cool and fun. I’d really love to have a meal at anyone of them, but I most like the sweeping views at Wolf Mountain.

  12. philebur says:

    Hello there, thanks a lot for sharing these beautiful places and informational maps of vineyard restaurants here with us. I must say i really did enjoy going through your review as it contains the most valuable information one needs to be aware of when choosing where to dine. I would love to visit these places when i visit north georgia next month!

    • Alyce says:

      I’m glad to hear that you have found a few places that look interesting enough to check out! I know you’ll have a wonderful meal. 

  13. Roy says:

    I lived in the USA when I was 20 years for one year. It was a fantastic year and I was blessed with the opportunity to travel all over the US while staying there. Northern Georgia is definitively one of my favourite areas in the World. What I didn´t know was that it has a Wine Industry worth visiting.

    The tips you have written down for a wine tasting expedition in the Georgian mountains is very good and should cover most of the needs that can arise during the trip. I think the most important part is a newly updated roadmap and an updated GPS and your wallet. Some sunscreen and enough water are also important.

    It is perfect that you have provided the link to the different Wineries, which will make it easier to plan such a trip. Do you have any special recommendations on some of the Wineries compared to the others in the list?


    • Alyce says:

      Hi Roy, the North Georgia wine industry is a relatively new one, so it might not have been here if you lived here a long time ago. 

      I do have some favorite vineyards and restaurants, depending on what you are looking for the most. My favorite vineyard restaurant views are at Wolf Mountain and Crane Creek, my favorite red wines are at Frogtown Cellars, and my favorite sparkling wines are at Wolf Mountain. The brunch at Wolf Mountain is a real treat. That said, they are all great choices and worth the trip!

  14. Trevor says:

    This site really does an excellent job highlighting the delights of the Georgia Mountains.  This page now has me licking my lips in anticipation of some great meals when I visit the area after this horrible virus is controlled and people can travel normally again. There is something very special about enjoying a meal and a good wine at a vineyard. If the views are great, it makes them even more appealing! What is the highest vineyard in this region?  Did you know there are small boutique vinyards in the Atacama region of Chile which also hosts the highest vineyard in the world?  The vinyards are focused on a village called Tocanao, and includes one of the oldest vines in the world, “Pais”, that was introduced to Chile by Spanish priests to create communion wine!  They now have a wide range of other vines including Carmenere and Malbec.  I mention this as it might be interesting for the vinyards of Georgia to develop links with this area.

    • Alyce says:

      Thanks Trevor, that is really interesting information. I have had some nice Chilean wines but didn’t realize all that history!

       Off the top of my head, I would guess that either 12 Spies or Crane Creek has the highest elevation, but that would be a good one to research to find a definite answer. The 2 highest peaks in Georgia are Brasstown Bald (4,784′) and Rabun Bald (4,695), but I’d imagine most of the vineyards are in the 2,000′ – 2,500′ range for elevation. 

  15. Parameter says:

    Thank you for this unique insight into North Georgia. I love to travel and see the word around. Culture and languages are unique. They are the differentiating factor amidst us. But the only way you can appreciate it is traveling. When I read ‘ask the restaurant to seal your finished bottles to take home’, I was wondering what the implication would be. I hope I will be able to make reservations for my self and my wife against December to see one or two of this restaurants via your link

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Parameter, The restaurants are able to seal unfinished bottles of wine (not finished bottles). This is mentioned because it is a fairly new law for Georgia and not everyone is aware of it. 

      The bottom line is that no one should feel compelled to finish a bottle of wine at the restaurant. It is legal for the restaurant to pack it up so that it can be taken home as a kind of “leftover” from the meal. 

      I hope you enjoy your trip to the vineyards!

  16. Diane says:

    Your article makes me wish I had the time and resources to visit these places right now. What a beautiful array of vineyard restaurants! It actually has me considering a vacation that would allow us to visit several during that time.

    Living in central Florida, we are close enough to make this happen, though it’s not possible right now. Are there some that also host Bed and Breakfast sites either on-site or nearby? That might make it the perfect getaway!

  17. Nuttanee says:

    My husband’s family is in Georgia so we do go yearly to visit and we like to explore new places every time we go. Dahlonega Resort & Vineyard(Dahlonega) has an amazing view and I love the fact that we can just stay there and enjoy the experience without having to drive. Tiger Mountain Vineyard is also on my list. Thanks for sharing all these amazing places! 

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Nuttanee, I’m so glad to hear that you’ve been able to visit Dahlonega Resort & Vineyard and enjoyed your time there. Staying on site at the resort definitely adds even more to the vineyard experience! 

  18. Collins says:

    As a lover of vacation and sight seeing, this was a really good article for me to come across. This article just seemed like it was just for me because I have been looking for a place to go for a vacation with my  fiancee, the local Georgia mountain vineyards is really a place to be and I’m definitely visiting there soon 

  19. Jackie says:

    I am currently planning my first trip to the Georgia mountains, and this is exactly the type of activity that I’m most looking forward to trying! What a great way to combine a meal (something we all need) with sightseeing and sampling local craftsmanship. 

    Thank you for pointing out that these areas are busiest in the Fall when the leaves are at their peak color. I did not expect Fall to be the peak travel season. I definitely want to see this so I’m checking on reservations right now!!!

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Jackie, How fantastic! I hope you are able to find great table at the vineyard(s) of your choice and enjoy a memorable meal!! 


  20. ReeceMichael says:

    Travelling and finding the best place to sit, eat good food, and sip drinks with loved ones have been the joy of all travelers for years. I was already impressed with all the great ways to enjoy the Georgia mountains, but this idea of having a meal at the vineyard is fantastic!! How delicious it must be to enjoy meals that were specifically created to pair with the local wines made on site at the vineyard! 

    Thanks so much for sharing this list of vineyard restaurants and some solid tips for making the most of the experience!

    • Alyce says:

      Hi ReeceMichael, These local vineyard restaurants are definitely some of the most memorable ways to have a meal in the mountains! Bon appétit! 

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